Aurabeat AG+ 雙離子消毒空氣淨化器【消滅冠狀病毒】



型號: NSP-X1


香港科研,學者博士團隊,並有充分研究證明 Aurabeat AG+ 採用的空氣消毒、殺菌、淨化技術的可靠性 ,能有效消滅冠狀病毒



AATCC 100修改用於測試人類冠狀病毒(ATCC VR-740)

ASTM G21-15測定合成聚合物材料對真菌的抗性的標準實踐



由美國權威生化實驗室MicroChemLab 以人類冠狀病毒實測證實,Aurabeat 銀離子技術能有效在短時間內消滅冠狀病毒

有關技術可以:有效降解及破壞病毒、壓抑病毒活躍性及感染性、破壞病毒的DNA RNA、阻止病毒依附及入侵細胞、抑制病毒複製

同時採用 紫外線殺菌  等離子消毒 功能,多重保障

Aurabeat AG+ 第一代有效保護範圍為 500 平方尺,足以保護一般家居 辦公室 及 小店,大幅降低空氣飛沫傳播病毒的風險


  • 病毒:冠狀病毒 (Coronavirus)A型流感病毒 (Influenza A Virus)、單純皰疹病毒(Herpes Simplex Virus)、人類免疫缺乏病毒 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
  • 細菌:金黃色葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus Aureus)、大腸桿菌 (Escherichia Coli)、綠膿桿菌 (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa)
  • 真菌:白色念珠菌 (Candida Albicans)、抗藥性念珠菌 (Candida Krusei)、黃麴霉 (Aspergillus Flavus)、青黴菌(Penicillium Vulpinum)

相關文獻《免疫學和過敏學檔案 2018:1:1》《催化通訊 2004:5


額定電壓(V): AC220V


體積(mm)628(H) x 390(W) x 211(D)

運行最大噪音DB(A) : ≤58

潔淨空氣流量CADR(m³/h): 370

適用面積: 40~50




濾網使用壽命: 6-8個月

風速選擇: 3




* 免運費:

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R&D by Aurabeat Technology Limited

According to actual experimental test result using Human Coronavirus by renowned USA biochemical laboratory,

MicroChemLab, Aurabeat Silver Ion Technology can effectively eliminate Human Coronavirus in a short notice.

Silver Ion Air Purification Tech.

Praised as the Nemesis of Virus, Silver Ion has been widely applied in the medical field:

Effectively decompose viruses

Suppress viral activity & infectivity

Destroy virus DNA & RNA

Prevent virus Attachment and Invading Cells

Inhibition of virus replication


Archives of Immunology and Allergy 2018:1:1

Catalysis Communications 2004:5

Threefold air sterilization technology to maximize protection

Silver Ion + UV Light + Plasma

Aurabeat AG+ (NSP-X1) is capable of protecting indoor area of 500 sq. ft. or 50 sq. meters, suitable for home, office, room air sterilization, significantly reducing the risk of infection via air.

Can general air purifiers eliminate Coronavirus?

Common issues from the purifiers available in the market:

Bacteria Elimination ≠ Virus Elimination

Viruses Elimination ≠ Coronavirus Elimination

Most air purifiers on the market can only physically block bacteria and viruses on the surface of their filters. If the filter cannot destroy the viruses, they can survive on the filters for a long time.

When the filter is fully loaded, dust particles and viruses on the filter surface will re-enter the air. Replacing or cleaning the filter will also disturb the accumulated viruses, causing them to re-enter the air and putting your home at risk of infection.

R&D Team

Hong Kong Research and Development

R&D Team led by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s ex-Research Assistant Professor, Dr. Roger Szeto

Dr. Roger Szeto is dedicated in air purification  research, with over 30 thesis published and 4 patents registered.

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